Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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Super PlatypusAn enhanced version of the Q-Platypus. It has one additional layer for each cylinder.
Super PussleA 3x3x3 in shape of an octagonal prism with unique stickers on the truncated pieces.
Super PuzzlerA variant of the Wonderful Puzzler produced for the german market. It came in a dodecagonal package.

Super Puzzler IIAnother variant of the Wonderful Puzzler, this time in a more traditional package.
Super PyraminxA Pyraminx which allows 60� turns.
Super Pyraminx BallA hollow sphere with tetrahedral axis system that allows 60°-turns.

Super RexA Rex/Super Ivy Cube with added corner orientation.
Super RhombohedronA 3x3x3 in shape of a very spiky rhombohedron.
Super SankeA red-white snake with a strange spelling mistake on the package.

Super Simple Overlapping CubeThe Simple Overlapping Cube with the stickering scheme of the Ultimate Cube
Super Simple Overlapping Cube (8 colours)A Simple Overlapping Cube stickered like he 8 Colour Cube
Super Simple Overlapping DodecahedronAn amalgamation of different modding and stickering techniques

Super Six SpotThe mass produced version with two different custom sticker scheme to expose the orientations of the circles.
Super Six Spots PlusA corner turning hexahedron. Similar to the Skewby Duo but with a different outer cut pattern and stickers to indicate the orientation of the centres.
Super SphereOne of the spherical Rubiks cubes produced during the original cube craze. A derivative of the Wonderful Puzzler.

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